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Auckland brothers, I actually stumbled on NO COMPLY on accident as I was trolling the internet in search of something new to listen to. Behold the rap/alt/hip-hop vibe of a couple brothers from the mighty Tāmaki Makaurau. Understand that my expectations were non-existent going into my initial listen as I had no frame of reference for what to expect. But what I got was a vocal heavy, rap album with some audial cues that were unexpected and some collaborations that were well-received.


ALL MY FRIENDS is a current stand out. There’s honestly not a lot you can say about the general production of the album, it’s their clean approach with a focus heavy on the vocals and flow through the track. One thing I find as a common thread through their tracks is a similar pacing. There’s a punchy undertone, and a hella groovy bassline carrying it from start to finish. It’s followed, pretty aptly, by I’LL BE FINE which takes that upbeat sort of party mix and amps it up. The reason I think it works so well is simply that there’s a large population of DNB lovers. Now this isn’t DNB, not even slightly, but the high energy beat is a nice alternative for parties and kick-ons. There’s something intoxicating about the repetitive nature that resonates. 


NO COMPLY have been hailed for their experimental NZ hip hop, pushing that boundary and figuring out how to seamlessly mix what’s current with what they stand for. However, there’s a few issues I have with the EP. It’s not long enough. Sure that’s selfish of me but I’m left wanting just something else. It’s not that any of it’s bad but rather it’s just missing a ground link at the end. WHAT WILL U BE? Was easily the best track to finish on, Chef Mob supporting the boys in the absolute best way but there’s a feeling of being edged and I’m not sure why.


The tone is vastly different to their 2021 EP, WELCOME TO BAD. There’s a heavier focus on a high energy experimental beat. It’s not as if they’ve gone for a rebrand but rather a change in pace. Let me tell you, I’m a fan. There’s something more playable about BKATIT. That’s not to say their previous EP is wack–this time around it just has more replayable tracks. 


If you’re a fan of Hip Hop or ALT beats with some dope vocals, then this is the one for you. One thing I will note is this genre is becoming saturated, so it’s becoming increasingly harder to make tracks that are unique. These boys are doing it well, their difference is pacing. I’m going to be adding I’LL BE FINE to my daily rotation for sure. 

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Inky Pinky Ponky