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Full Exposure: Haast Hunter

Nexus: Haast Hunter, how the bloody hell are ya?


  • Absolutely frothing over the release of sunshine! We are just a bunch of H Town goons writing tunes with the intention of spreading our sonic vibration throughout the country and beyo nd – So far so good! We are loving the reception so far! 


Nexus: I wanna pitch an idea to you. Imagine you were stuck in an elevator with some random cunt and you had to pitch your band to them, how would you do it before you reach their floor? Elevator pitch. I just explained an elevator pitch.


  • Want to listen to a mainstream band with catchy pop like hooks that lacks any creative diversity from what you are already hearing on the radio? – yea… that’s not us.


Nexus: From the ‘depths of the tron’ what brings you three together?


  • A combination of two things really – A deep passion for music and circumstance. Everything came together at the right time for our current lineup. We all want the same thing. To create music we all love and are proud of.     


Nexus: Congratulations on the recent release (this will go out after the fact obviously), what do you think the best part about music is for you all? 


  • The freedom within music is the most empowering element. We can truly be whoever we want and express ourselves however we want within the band without judgement. 


Nexus: Do you think that you draw inspiration from Hamilton? Is that even a thing?


  • I think we draw inspiration from our day to day interactions and experiences. We all grew up in Hamilton and have a very individual intimate relationship with the streets and landmarks of Hamilton. So I would say yes, no doubt we draw inspiration from Hamilton! 


Nexus: Who are you currently listening to that we should also be listening to?


  • 2/3 of the band currently have the new Queens of the stone age record on repeat! 


Nexus: If you could add one instrument to the band, what instrument is that?


  • A Synth player would be epic! We are currently experimenting with synthesisers to see what other layers and dimensions we can add to our sound.  
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