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In light of this men’s issue, let’s open up the conversation to all the brothers out there. It’s hard to find places that feel safe enough to have these discussions, but I’m hoping this piece is at least a foot in the door for some. Men’s mental health is brought up a lot more so I wanted to add to the conversation. It’s fucking hard for us to express our inner most thoughts and it’s pretty fucked that there are so many reasons why. I know that having exposure to those that are comfortable with speaking gives confidence to those who do not and I’m hoping to use this platform as a space to open it up for discussion. If by the end of this piece it has caused you to ask some questions or even ponder on it longer than you originally would then I’ve done my job and that’s a step in the right direction. 


The toughest mfkers are those that are open about their vulnerabilities and don’t run from being weak because there’s undeniable strength in being vulnerable. There’s strength in weakness and as counterintuitive as that seems, it absolutely fits the bill here. I know for sure that it’s scary being vulnerable and there’s a stigma that doesn’t allow other brothers to speak up in fear of being judged as being less of a man. Similar to all other controversial subjects that beat their stigmas, it all starts with conversation and opening it up to be discussed. The more we acknowledge those that are brave enough to stand up with their chest puffed out and chin proudly raised, the more it builds confidence in those that are hoping to do the same. It’s easier to laugh and belittle the brothers that speak up, but know that you look like a little one who’d bully his crush on the playground because he can’t confront his feelings. Stop fighting demons in the dark, and instead, embrace the weakness you feel in the light. False confidence and bravado will never make you a man just like fighting the world, as in projecting your trauma outwards in violence fashions, doesn’t make you tough. To lift the new way of meninism up we need to tear the old one down. It all starts with the understanding that IT IS NOT WEAK TO SPEAK. 

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