We want you... to write for us in 2023.



You break all the rules. You’re impulsive, impatient, and hot-headed. You’ll last a while, and then walk straight into danger. Maybe don’t follow strange noises?



You’re no final girl, but you escape death. Being the main character isn’t everything to you, and your scepticism keeps you alive… until the sequel.



You’re the ditzy best friend who’s also the comedic relief. You’re not dumb, but your death is. Don’t try to go through the cat door. 



You’re sensitive; all the death and killing will really get to you. You’ll end up losing your mind and then run straight into a trap. 



The killer. You want to be the centre of the universe so badly that you would thrive off of the attention. Infamy is your destiny. 



Wrote this last… does that make you the final girl? No. You’re the dumbass who has sex and then dies. Don’t you know the rules? 



You tend to avoid conflict, so you just go about your life. You end up dying at a party and nobody notices until the final girl sees you, lol. 



You’re a popular survivor until the sequel, and then it’s your time to shine; you’re the true mastermind. Leo’s vanity was easy to manipulate. 



At the party near the movie ending, you try to gain everyone’s attention when they split up. You’re too loud and the killer finds you. 



You’re the principal who gets a little too close to the final girl in some scenes, and ends up getting shanked at the school. 



You fetishize personal freedom so you definitely go off on your own and end up dying in a dumber way than Gemini. 



You’re pretty nonchalant, but ridiculously intelligent. You’re a suspect for knowing too much about the killer’s motives. In reality, you just watch too many movies. 

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