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You know what students have?

Money to spare – or at least according to Studylink. Here’s a quick breakdown of the max you can get a week for those of you who are lucky enough to not get living loan costs:

  • $281. 60 total for the week. 


  • Rent (for me)= $170.


  • Fuel= $20 (I can’t use public transport, don’t @me about it). 


  • Food= $60-70 depending on what’s on special.


(Leaves me with 80 to save or pay extra bills that pop up- like my car shitting itself again… note – don’t get a Volkswagen)


  • Average appointment for a psychiatrist= $600 upwards. 


Dear Studylink- tell me HOW THE FUCK students are meant to get help, if they aren’t lucky enough to get a funded appointment? 


Personally, I’m going through the process of ADHD diagnosis – got told to go private – looked at the cost, said fuck that and continued to struggle. Studylink very much does not cover that. Buying a bloody block of cheese for myself puts my budget off – so to say the least I do not have that kind of money. After bitching to the student health centre enough I got referred through the DHB only to be diagnosed with anxiety???? I again went down the path of trying to get a referral. And luckily, I got myself a funded appointment through the Uni with a clinical psychologist, who promptly diagnosed me with ADHD. Now here’s the thing- she can’t prescribe meds- only a psychiatrist can. So now I’m waiting for yet ANOTHER REFERRAL. But if I could have afforded a private psychiatrist I’d already be where I needed to be. 


My main point I’m bitching about here in my little ramble is the fact that for students, who have no other income except Studylink, and whose parents can’t help them financially, seeking a diagnosis for something affecting your study is a hell of a journey. 


The only advice I have is keep pushing. I know I still have it better off than some, so I’m grateful, but at the same time it would be great if there was an additional loan concept for mental health through study link. And if there is already a system for that they don’t make it known, or at least I haven’t been told. 

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