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“bUT Not aLL MeN dAve”

Whelmed / Issue 01

This one is definitely for any men who are reading, but ladies, I’d greatly appreciate your input too in case I’ve got this wrong. Guys, our gender is in trouble. As a group, we’re assholes. More specifically, we’re assholes towards women. And before any of you do the whole “bUT Not aLL MeN dAve”, I’m not talking about every individual man – I’m talking about our gender. 


Throughout history, our gender has done some horrible things to women. Any attempt to address this ends up with some dude with a fedora explaining why “men’s rights are important too, how women do messed up things to men, dwelling on things isn’t going to result in true equality, our rights are important, women do shit too…” But it’s the last one that’s the most annoying. We have literally beaten women so badly physically, emotionally, and mentally that we need to work on getting out of their way so that they can do their thing. This is why we need to focus on women’s rights and the things men do to women, more than the other way around.


I’m going to write a couple of examples. Try to picture what this would be like if it happened to you:


– Your dick hurts. You go to a dick specialist who is a woman. She holds your dick in a set of tongs for a while, tight enough to hurt. Then she looks up and says “It’s probably hormones. You need to lose weight, and try some yoga.”


– You post a comment on a Facebook movie page about how you don’t think the new Batman movie will be good. A woman messages you privately and threatens to rape you if you don’t think Robert Pattinson is the greatest Batman of all time.


How ridiculous and upsetting would this be for you? If you told this story to your guy mates, they’d probably laugh and say it’s ridiculous, right? But women go through this sort of thing on a daily basis. I haven’t even gotten to the high levels of domestic violence, how most women going on blind dates have a fear of not coming home alive, and how most women have experienced some form of sexual assault usually at an early age.


So remember this the next time you think to yourself “oh maybe after a few drinks she might have sex with me,”or “she was wearing hardly anything, of course she got assaulted,” or “why are women so grumpy all the time”. If any men out there want to complain about this column, feel free. But first, have a chat with your daughters, wives, sisters, partners, or friends who are women. You may learn something. 


We need to do better, we can do better, let’s do better.


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