We want you... to write for us in 2023.

Undercover Statues

Reed answered the questions even though we sent them to the band. King shit really.


We intended to do these in person but life is full of heartbreaks. So, tell me in the most comprehensive way, how are you guys doing?


Heartbroken indeed I am. Well, at this very moment my brain seems to be moving like molasses in the winter, but perhaps that’s no accident. Perhaps the human brain and molasses share in common the fact that the cold tends to halt one’s flow. But as Nina Simone sings as she transitions from haunting A-cappella to descending horns and dainty keys… I’m feeling good


I’m hoping that there’s some sort of Tomb Raider reference in the name but if there’s not, what’s the meaning? Surely something deep and meaningful right?


As I was walking through the cruel barren desert where snakes die eating dirt and critters can make a living only after the sun sets, I became aware of a little black bug. Pushing around a ball of dung like the world’s most grotesque mascot–as if there could be a better metaphor–I figure maybe this little black creature would be the perfect namesake for the band. But unfortunately The Beatles were taken. 


I never saw Tomb Raider


Now I’m not someone who’s well versed in conspiracy theories but is there any connection between your return and the final speech from Jacinda Ardern?


My return? I haven’t stopped making music since I started so I’m not really sure about any kind of return. But I do know someone who rose again on the third day. You should interview him if he returns, he’s got a hell of a story.


I want to know more about the vibe, so try and explain to me your sound using only 90’s rom coms and explain more.


Dracula. Us as Undercover Statues are his three wives.


Can we try and list everyone’s current favourite snack or choose a vape flavour based on name alone?


Favourite vape flavour based on name alone? Marlboro Gold 


Favourite snack? 


  • Marlboro red


What’s the future for you fullas, what should we be on the lookout for? 


Just keep an eye out. We’re always working on something but it’s difficult to say what it is until it’s in your hands, ya know? A phrase that comes to mind — and I’m a little silver tongued with my metaphors so forgive me if you haven’t heard this before — but we’re not counting our chickens. But I can say this, the next time UCS puts out anything of substance it’ll be Liam behind it.


I can’t not touch on something that I came across recently:









Griffin Taylor from Marionette, as featured on instagram


When are we getting a collab between you and Satan? Because I want to know more. 


It’s just posturing. Satan is sexier than God. Anyway, the man in that photo is Griffin Taylor, he’s actually not in the band so you’d have to hunt him down and ask him. On that topic, he and his girlfriend Annika have a fantastic techno duo called Marionette. You should get them in for a sit down.


Finally, thanks for answering, but also what’s the ultimate goal for you as a band?


Not to fight too much. Liam and I tend to beat on Jonty pretty hard. But in an effort to say at least one thing on substance here, I’ll say this. Music in it’s simplest form is basically magic. It isn’t tangible and means something completely different to everybody, so long term goals are basically useless. And besides, creating with any kind of future in mind is way too exhausting. We’re going to keep on chasing the magic and see what happens.


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