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Podcasting vs Tiktok videos

Short Videos


If you told anyone before the twenty-first century that short videos would be the most addictive and widespread drug of our time, I don’t think they would have believed you. I mean, I think even now, we all live in denial. I’ll be the first to admit the itching that gets to me usually during dinner (or any other task that involves me separating from my phone for more than half an hour), to get back into the humble position of lying on my back, watching endless reels and TikToks. I honestly would pay good money to see the stats on ADHD nowadays. I know I have it, but since Tiktok and the rise of short videos, it seems like everyone and their dog does too. Or at least just the surface-level traits- name one person under twenty-five with an attention span! Good luck. I don’t know about you, but I struggle to watch Netflix anymore unless it’s 2x speed. Criminal, right, but I can’t possibly be alone on this. I can only dream of the energy-fused children our generation of TikTok-addicted parents will raise! Future preschool and kindergarten teachers better be on a high salary and car package. 


Anyway, to the positives. No one’s bored! A three-hour video-watching hole is a pleasure I indulge in every morning and afternoon. Everyone’s also an expert on everything. I thought I knew everything before, but I definitely do now. Including learning that baby dolphins have feet in the womb! Now that’s an image I hope you picture for the rest of the week! What else have we got? Well, I can now judge people even faster and more precisely than ever before. How do I do this? Not by being mean and catching second-hand embarrassment from your dancing, but by seeing how you react to the thread of 30 videos I send you a day. If you actually watch them and reply, you’re a maniac. If you like the last one and don’t watch anything, you’re normal, and we can be friends! Why I can spend hours watching videos but not a single minute watching those that have been sent by a friend is baffling, and I know it’s not just me because not a single person has watched a video I have sent them (that’s why we are still friends!). 


Finally, let’s have a look at the history of Short videos. Honestly, the most Iconic I can think of is the Air New Zealand safety videos. They were really ahead of their times. Unlike most of the short videos we see nowadays, I know these were educational, but that is precisely my point. If Air New Zealand can get me to take out my Airpods and actually watch and listen to how I could survive a plane crash (Which I’m only watching for the entertainment factor, completely disregarding that the information could save my life), then what can’t we educate people through short videos?. The ability to make everyone watch literally anything in the form of a short video is there, so let’s use it. I know a few people who need to learn why pineapple on pizza is not that unusual (and extraordinary, for that matter). But that’s a piece for another day! 




​​Nothing, and I do mean nothing, describes me more  than a 1 hour long sit down convo between two people who don’t have the credentials to be discussing subjects like space travel, all the way to homicide cases from 1969. Haha nice. So imagine my glee when this argument was brought up in the Nexus group chat. 


Recently I’ve seen the major influx of everyone struggling with concentration without a million videos to aid in their viewing experience. Now I’m not going to sit here and say that watching TikTok with subway surfers doesn’t intrigue me just a little–but I’m a grown man. I want to be able to listen to some actual discourse about something I’m only mildly interested in. And where better than reaching for the podcast app. There’s definitely grounds for an argument in favour of just watching recaps on YouTube shorts or Reels but that only scratches the surface. Can you seriously sit there and tell me, with a straight face, that you’ve no interested in learning more as to why Drew Afualo is yelling at some Pākehā boy about fixing his attitude? Sure okay mate.


Also I’m a gym-goer, pause for applause, and I cannot listen to myself grunting but with the backing track of Jorja Smith. I can hear the pātai now “How are podcasts any different? Can’t you still hear yourself?”, well yes. But you’re too busy wondering what actually happened to the body of wee Suzy Salmon to care about hearing yourself breathe, it’s enough to distract even the most ADHD of us all. It’s also a great way to fill time, their pacing just gets better and better every week. I’m able to listen to a 55 minute podcast no issue. Maybe even two. Podcasts are so much different these days then even 4 years ago. There’s interjects, there’s cuts, there’s side-quests. Podcasts are the Skyrim of media and I will not listen to anyone else on the matter.


I think everyone needs to get some ritz and just settle the hell down. Be so real and start 1-upping that brain with some self-help. Or even just listen to Sarah and Kendahl on the BCC Club. Come find me if you want some good shows to listen to.

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