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Bring Back Vodafone Warriors (coz one NZ feels a little racist)

Listen up children, I got a couple of things that I want to get off my chest.


Something about something that matters to students. Nice! Keep it up!


Now that I’ve got that out in the open, let’s chat about the real matters at hand. UP THE FUCKING WAHS. Nah but I wanted to chat about NRL and the resurgence of local support. Understand this, I used to be a Vodafone Warriors kid to the blood. Nothing fuelled me like pulling a fat pūkana with mad pride. But I fell off the footy bandwagon only to have my entire online presence be flooded by videos of Shaun Johnson and Dallin Watene-Zelezniak throwing ass across the field.


Either way, I’m happy to see the amount of support for our brothers out there and seeing just how impactful being a Rugby fan really is. But it begs the question, is it such a big deal to be joining a bandwagon so late in the game? Like, does it even matter. I don’t know bro. Been hella reflective lately, especially as we get closer to the end of the year. There’s something freeing about knowing you’re going to be writing the last few paragraphs in what was a very illustrious chapter in that book of life; and Nexus has been a hectic chapter.


Maybe we overthink everything. Not me though, I just happen to not have any flaws. I’m actually perfect, didn’t you know. Perfect enough to Rabbitohs, the only acceptable team imo. The kōrero surrounding the NRL is just a massive laugh, too me. Can’t help but just sit and chuckle as I watch discourse that’s quite literally nothing.


What was I talking about? Honestly I can’t remember legends.


Either way, it’s time to just not make a big deal. Just shout “UP THE WAHS” from a moving car, if that’s what you feel like doing. There’s nothing in the guidelines written by the creator that say you can’t. And if you didn’t read those guidelines, just know your ass is ending up on your own version of “Joan is Awful”.


Oh this isn’t a nostalgia issue. Before I hear you all yelling shit at me. It’s definitely just us wanting to make a magazine that featured dumb designs and a piss-take tone. That’s who we are at our core e te whānau. We’re just a massive piss-take.


Until next time, and UP THE FUCKING WAHS,


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Mullet of the Week – Issue 14