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I Followed a Fortune Teller, Now I’m Bald

So, I don’t know if any of you have been to a fortune teller. If you have, then you know how they’re both an incredible experience but also so wrong almost all of the time.  Well I’m actually just a massive sceptic and I’m not sure that opinion will ever change.


There was a short time ago where I was visiting Aussie and it was amazing. There wasn’t a day I was there that wasn’t just the most invigorating experience of my life. While there, I made some mates with my friend’s friend group. I was visiting my mate, so it just happened that I was meeting a bunch of random people that he knew.


They suggested we go to a local market, which honestly I’m always down for. It was like one of those fairs at Claudelands, and I really enjoyed the overall vibe. Carrying armfuls of clothes and random shit, I felt this overwhelming urge to go behind the big van at the back of the car park/grassy knoll. Behind the van was an older gent, sitting with incense burning and playing some nondescript pan flute tunes. It was very stock-standard. He told me to sit, as he had some important news for me.


Remember when I said I didn’t believe this shit? Well that never changed, even after he grabbed my hands and started speaking in tongues about how I’m ‘destined for something great’ and how ‘this next year is going to be your greatest’. All shit you’d hear on one of those ‘predict your future quizzes.


Here’s where it got weird. 


He stopped talking and dropped my hands and started to look through me. Up until this point he’d been looking at my hands and then up at my eyes. It wasn’t anything crazy. But this started to get weird. He wasn’t really focussing on anything in particular, just staring through me. 


“Did you lose someone recently?” he asked, as I jolted my hands back a little bit.


“Uh, yeah” I respond, a little freaked out,


“Was it sudden?”




“They’re saying they’ve got a message for you-” he started before stopping. I watched his eyes go from the slight left of me to the other side and back again. He looked at me once more.


“Don’t worry, have a good day love”


Wig snatched. He disappeared in a massive puff of smoke (fat incense clouds) and crumbled away into his tent.


So moral of the story, I’m not actually bald but  I did have a fortune teller almost give me a message from beyond the grave. Best $30 I’ve ever given away. 


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