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Editorial: Women… amiright?

Nā Te Ētita / Issue 05

These last few weeks have been pretty eventful for me. Firstly, my mum flew all the way from Saudi Arabia to visit my brothers and I (I can’t wait for my dad to get here!). Secondly, I’m already slacking on uni work; why is it so hard to actually study? Give me a break already. And finally, I was asked to grace you beautiful readers with a poor attempt at an editorial. Why? Because this week, Nexus is celebrating and supporting women. 

Throughout this issue, you’ll see a lot of pretty cool pieces written by some pretty cool people. This isn’t to say “fuck men”, but rather “fuck the patriarchy”. It’s so special to see all of these writers share their stories and views (mad respect to our male contributors who took a step back on this one), and be able to share that with all of you. Also, if you squint hard enough, you’ll see a really cool Top Ten of my favourite female characters that is definitely worth your reading time; call me a nerd, I don’t care… that much. 

Moving on from the names I’ve been called by various people, I want to use this space to acknowledge some very important women that have shaped me into the half-arsed person I am today. Damn, all of these women would be so disappointed. 

Firstly, we have Hermione Granger. Oh, you thought I just meant real people? HAH! That would be so bloody boring. So, Ms. Granger, the absolute legend. I might not have read the books (oops), but, Hermione was everything I dreamt of being in the movies: insanely smart with magical powers. One of those two dreams did not come true.

Next, we have Jane Austen. She was such a brilliant author, and I aspire to be that freaking awesome. I also try too hard to act like Elizabeth Bennett sometimes, but that’s because my sense of identity always shifts and I like to be someone that I’m not. 

Considering I’ve only talked about two of the most basic examples of super-influential women, I want to include more but I would end up going over my word count like what I’ve done in every assignment I’ve ever written. So, to conclude, we have the most important woman in the entire world to me: my mum. Aww, cute right? 

My mum is awesome, my dad is awesome, and my brothers are semi-awesome, so I’m extremely lucky. I have lots of love for them, and I hope I show them that everyday. So, let this be a little reminder to spread love to the people you care about. And if they’re a badass woman, worship the ground they walk on- figuratively that is. We definitely don’t need anyone looking like a weirdo because of something I said. 

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