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The Irregulars – Issue 8

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Welcome to a weird part of history, where the Author responsible for penning some of your childhood nightmares, was also an RAF Pilot turned Secret Agent.


In 1940, the British Government sent secret agents to carry out ‘irregular’ work; planting propaganda, spying on socialites and manipulating members of government. And they chose to send Roald Dahl, now known for his children’s books, but back then just a man undertaking as much drinking, and much debauchery as he could, all in the name of the war effort.  


When I saw this book, I had to read it. It’s got everything a good story needs: Nazis, gin, spies, and international travel. But for all that excitement, The Irregulars fell a little flat for me. It read a bit like a textbook – while some parts were gripping, these were held back by numerous secondary characters to keep track of, and a lot of history to digest. That said, if you’re willing to persevere, and happy to learn along the way, then it’s definitely worth a read, if only to find out how to seduce in the style of Roald Dahl (no giant peaches included).


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