We want you... to write for us in 2023.


Honestly, I couldn’t think of anything worse to use this space for than rattling off about how music binds us all together and is a ‘universal language.’ Fuck that. Let’s talk about something that’s pressing me that you should also be frustrated about. 


‘Hobson’s Pledge.’ What the actual fuck is going on?


Here I am, mindlessly scrolling through Tiktok and minding my own before I see one of those horrendously edited videos of Jacinda Ardern as the devil, alongside those in power through our current government with the tagline of “racism rampant through our governing system” as the distributor of the video claims the co-governance of Māori and Pākehā officials is racist towards them. Towards them… Let that sink in for a second. I’ve been contemplating whether or not writing about this was playing straight into what they’re wanting, publicity. But complacency is as bad as agreeing sometimes, and you can fuck off if you think I agree with this racist pledge.


Now, Don Brash or David Seymour saying some tone deaf and racist shit isn’t news for any of us, nor should it come as a surprise to you, common reader, that they’re hellbent on fucking over Māori people as if it’s a new revelation. The man is problematic on his best day, with him being the definition of #NoFilter. But supporting this Hobson’s Pledge bullshit? Come on buddy. I read about this online petition a few weeks ago, but the traction that it’s receiving shouldn’t exist, and allowing Māori people their sovereignty shouldn’t even be up for debate. And yet, here we are.


“ACT opposes co-governance – it’s divisive and represents a serious departure from the idea that all New Zealanders have equal rights.” Somehow thinking Seymour has the ability to process irony is beyond his capabilities as Elon Musk’s latest robot product. The idea that co-governance would allow for Aotearoa to become unequal would imply that we currently are all sat in equal positions of power. I mean the jokes are literally writing themselves.


This year I never wanted to be the angry tane Māori, nor did I only want to write about being an ex-gay man. Though I need to utilise my voice and platform to speak against issues that directly affect my whānau and tangata whenua. This Hobson’s Pledge is just the very event that requires my anger to flow into words, allowing me to express exactly why these people are fucking up mine, and my whānau’s future. Be vigilant please.

Here’s my point to this editorial – please be vigilant in the media you’re consuming, understand the consequences of your actions, and allow yourself the opportunity to make your own decisions while remembering the outcome could mean affecting someone else. What do I mean? Well, if you’re actively opposing co-governance, think about your Māori friends and keep their perspective in mind as you decide the fate of people occupying stolen land. Their stolen land.


We as Māori are still here, don’t fucking act like we’re insignificant. We’re still here and always have been.


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Activism Wisdom While Breaking the System – Issue 14