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Street culture will NEVER die

You’re probably all holding this issue, waiting for some insightful commentary on the world of student media. Trust me, it’s coming. Here’s something to think about though. Street culture. What the fuck is it?


Listen, I’m a big man. You’ll not catch me grinding rails and skating like the next person–but I can skate. A lot of my time recently has been spent in Raglan, writing from the skate park and catching some rays while those confident enough, surf the waves. Tell me something mate, why do I feel so at home when I’m there. Sure there’s going to be the comments of “but Raglan isn’t new, you’re not special”. I’m not special but that feeling is. 


Lots of my mates skate, they’re frequently at the half-pipes. Videos of their adventures on the streets and sunsets as they vibe with one another over some kai cooked on an open flame. Me? Not so much. I’m not a massive risk-taker, opting to take the pictures and sit behind the scenes and happily exist in my own little world. Here’s the thing, I don’t want to be that person anymore and you shouldn’t either. Well I mean you shouldn’t be afraid of becoming a different/heightened version of yourself.


This was meant to be my final issue of Nexus, call it quits on a high you know. But things change and plans differ. When you get to my advanced age it’s hard not to be jaded at the world and feeling like you can’t advance when everything is stacked against you. However, it’s not and that’s a selfish thought process. Recently I’ve been guilty of a difficult attitude towards my workmates. A few instances of being called out, some hard conversations, and the odd argument has resulted in me having to pull my head clear from my ass. Not very punk rock of me–but admitting when you’re wrong definitely is. 


Wait, what has this got to do with street culture? Everything mate. It’s a long-winded ruse to talk about how you can create these narratives based on shit you like. I happen to like street culture, Nexus reflects that in a subconscious way. Musicians, artists, and imagery alike. It’s all a reflection of the culture around us. Meaning that while I’m here, street culture (in turn, Nexus) will not be dying. It’s alive in the minds of those creating it week to week. 


There’s a massive part of me that wants to be out there skating (let me lose some pounds first) and I want to be the person on camera, laughing at a fire and exploring the coastal side. I cannot tell you when my last issue of Nexus will be, or when I’ll be done here creating dumb videos and tell you all how things are shit and life is interesting. One thing I can say, I’m going to learn how to surf and sit on the beach to write my final issue of Nexus. Whenever that is, look for the Editorial and you can call me out if it’s not as predicted. Enjoy your break and I’ll catch you back here in a couple of weeks.


Chat later mates

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