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Self-care time biddies

Nā te Ētita - Issue 01

I promise I won’t mention the dreaded C word this week, but honestly? Considering I’m writing this from the discomfort of my bedroom desk – my opinions are pretty damn clear. All the more reason for you to take note of this mag and its importance. Taking time for you was never more important, so don’t be taringa kōhatu and listen up.


As we move into what’s considered a ‘new reality’, it’s pertinent (NCEA words, fuck you) to take a step back, recognise that you’re okay, and just bloody relax. Building tension headaches from anxious thoughts, spinning out of control, never actually helped anyone. It’s just generally a bad idea to let your mind race into what could have been, rather than focus on what is. Stop catastrophizing and start romanticising, believe me.  


Obviously, the idea of online study isn’t that appealing to anyone, but we have to recognize the little things that can be done to make spending time in your hovel of a flat more enjoyable. Little things, like not leaving dishes littered throughout your bedroom floor, or collecting cups, can do you a world of good. Though, on the flipside of that, it’s okay if today isn’t your day. I couldn’t care less, I’m not your fucking dad.


Let me give you some perspective, aye? I’m a very social person, a shock to anyone who knows me pre-2019, but I love to talk. And I’m not meaning small kōrero, but hours of deep internal debates about who and where we are in life. It’s kind of a drag. But now, I’m sat in my home as I await being able to return onto campus with the urge to just call anyone in my contacts, honestly just to hear their voices. Why am I telling you this? Because it’s chill as to be lonely in your absence from real life. Without going into a lecture about taking time to treat yourself with respect, I’ll be blunt.


Be fucking nice to yourself.


No one is expecting you to adapt to this new way of living with ease. But you’re here, and you’re doing something, whatever that something may be. The realisation that waking up is the biggest accomplishment will come to you over the next year. Trust me on this.


One thing I will say is that I can be as hypocritical as anyone. Remember what I said about being an unreliable narrator? Well here it rears its ugly head. I’m so hard on myself and I criticise everything I do, so why am I telling you not to? Because I’ve seen how great life can be when you take care of yourself first. 


It’s kinda nice bro, so jump to it aye.


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