We want you... to write for us in 2023.

Nexus: A brief summary of the beginning of the end

A small guide to the best home-grown student journalism you’ve ever read. 

Nexus has been a staple of University culture for the past 50 years, evolving from a newsletter style newsprint to the grand student magazine you’re holding in your hands. Nexus has always been at the forefront of what’s important in current events. Whether it’s the opposition to the Vietnam War, or real-time coverage of the 1981 Springbok tour shitfest, Nexus is fresh and keeps you updated. This magazine is a collection of opinions, pop-culture, news and honestly so much more. In 2018, we rebranded and became more of a media focused student voice. Our content went online, we became video focussed and engaging with an online audience.


At its core, Nexus has always been about providing content that you can immerse yourself in. Ultimately we’re doing our job if we’ve evoked any sort of emotion from you. Or better yet, we’ve received an email complaining or commending us on our ability to spin what should’ve been 150 words into 1000. You want to join us on this fucked ride? Well email us at etita@nexusmag.co.nz.


Why YOU need to get amongst it!


Our tauira are the driving force behind why we are successful. And honestly we’re always wanting to expand our voices and reach. We want to give all tauira the chance to prove why our campus is one of the best. I know, that shits corny asf but honestly we’re trying to show our inclusivity and complex opinions from the campus. As the designated voice of the students, we actually need students writing and sharing whatever the fuck they want to share. We aren’t the final voice on what’s popular or poppin on campus but we’re here to facilitate that and create a space to argue the point. So why not come on board and challenge the status quo? What do you have to lose?


If this is sounding like a bit of you, hit us up. Flick our Ētita and email and spin some yarns. We want to kōrero about whatever the hell is pissing you off this week. Nothing is off limits and we’re not about to stop you from having your say about what’s pissing you off. Leshgooo.


What YOU can do!


Writers: We need as many varied opinions as we can possibly get. If you’re wanting to review some kai, write about sustainable fashion, or you just really wanna talk some shit; this is your chance. The limit does not exist, Cady Heron said it best. We have the means to create some amazing mahi, so why wouldn’t you want to become a part of our amazing team of writers. Email etita@nexusmag.co.nz and get it going.  


News: While this could’ve been covered in writing, News is something that’s important to us this year. With the current climate and all the shit going on, our team wants to hear about the things affecting you or anything around you. Whether it’s a larger kōrero around land rights or just some fluff piece about a neighbour not wanting to move their car off your lawn (ooh, scandalous), we want to talk to you. Email jared@nexusmag.co.nz


Podcasts: We have a newly vamped up podcast studio with an in house technician that’s ready to answer every beck and call. Podcasts can be such an amazing forum for important kōrero to be had, so why limit yourself to the written word. Whether you’re a solo person wanting to spout some shit soapbox style, or a group that wants to discuss the local bread culture in Hamilton East, we want to hear more about it. Email Stien at podcasts@nexusmag.co.nz


Artists: Look, we’re always wanting to feature hella dope artists in every way. Whether it’s on a cover, a featured page, column headers or one of our converted centrefolds, we want you to just get amongst it. We don’t like censoring our artists, so please don’t limit what you create to be ‘brand friendly’, because honestly what the hell is our brand at this point? Or if you’re not a visual artist, then send us your poetry and short stories? Like what are you waiting for? Chuck our design team an email, design@nexusmag.co.nz


Ultimately Nexus is the place to be if you’ve got a voice and want to be heard. We’re here to be a channel for anything you want to say or do. Make sure you hit up any of our team if you want to get involved with being a part of Nexus. Let’s get it going tīma.


Hit us up via email or any of our social links below. Wīharo.


Insta: @NexusMag


Facebook: Nexus Magazine


Website: nexusmag.co.nz


Email: etita@nexusmag.co.nz (the 100th plug of the mag)


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