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Nā te Ētita – Issue 00

auware ake… it’s a lost cause g

Let me start off by saying that I’m sort of an unreliable narrator; my truths can sometimes be embellished. BUT that shouldn’t affect your perception of everything that I write, as I’m only here to act as a megaphone to voice the things that are actually just fucking us off.


O’week… bruh. 


This isn’t going to become a diatribe about how Omicron can rack off and leave us to our long nights sinking some rank piss in a brown bottle, convincing yourself that it’s kinda nice. I’m not saying that we’re mentally fucked, but Stockholm Syndrome is kind of in right now. I just miss the feeling of staring at myself in the mirror, trying to keep my eyes steady, and making sure I topple all the way over. As someone who’s always prided himself on ‘not being a drinker’, I’m actually the opposite, lol sorry nan. 


Sitting in sadness about what could’ve been isn’t going to help you at all. Go buy a box, some kai, and have some drinks with your flatmates. If that means ripping up some white sheets and dressing in toga, do that shit. Make the most of being in your own home. At least you can fuck off to your room for a moe; shit slaps.


Obviously this year was meant to be different, mea rawe ake we’re faced with the very possibility that ‘22 is going to be another write off. Sometimes I come across as pessimistic and kind of an asshole, but here’s some advice from a serial optimist to you. It doesn’t even matter bro. There’s no use getting yourself worked up over something we’re unable to change, it’s happening and you just have to grow up.


It’s going to sound hella cliche to say things like “Nexus 2022 is going to be different and fresh” or “Nexus ‘22: watch this space”. The reality is, Nexus changes every year and will continue well after I’m out of here. Every editor will go through the same feelings of hope and excitement as they make changes to make the magazine their own, but at its core, Nexus is here for the Tauira to give them whatever it is they’re looking for.


I want to make one thing clear. With the knowledge that Uni is more than likely looking like another online year, don’t let that define your experience. We’re faced with the reality that some tauira will go from first year to graduation online, and that’s fucked. While you’re limited to online lectures, zuis (don’t ever call it that you animals), and break out rooms, you can still get out your hovel and go have some dope experiences. At the risk of sounding like a coming-of-age film, say yes to that weird kid who’s offering you a movie night at their flat. You may actually have a good time.


And if it’s kind of cooked, I don’t know what to tell you. Sorry?


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