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Heartbreak High


I’m at it again, I’m back on my sappy teenage bullshit. Even though I’m a mid-20’s man, nothing will get me quite like the infantile love shared between two teenagers sharing some mindless love thanks to the product of convenience. Meaning, you don’t actually love your boyfriend, but he’s the only tolerable one at a school of 1500. Heartbreak High is like Degrassi but for inner-city Aussie, and it’s fucking fantastic mate. Not only does it combine the love I have for queer romance, but also the mild abuse of alcohol and drugs. It’s everything you want in a T.V. show that doesn’t fuck around in its premise.


You’ve got a bunch of centralised characters, so at times it’s a bit difficult to keep on top of who’s who and what trials they’re experiencing. But with Black representation (Missy, Malakai), Queer representaton (almost all of them), Nuerodiverse (Quinni) and just good old eshay bah – it’s going to be difficult to shake this show of its general relatability. There’s been a comparison to Euphoria, but I’m here to tell you it’s nothing of the sort. With a bright aesthetic and subdued approach towards sex and drug use, the show’s main focalpoint isn’t how completely fucked these kids are. There’s a hold for breath, and you’re able to actually digest what’s going on as opposed to the complete downward spiral that is Euphoria. 


But the characters are some of the most well-written and diverse kids you’ll see on screen. Sure, some of them are insufferable, *ahem* Harper and Spider *ahem*, but I think that’s what makes it so good. Amerie, the central protagonist, is having a friend breakup with Harper, though it’s not as cut and dry as that. The story unfolds throughout the season, with lots of unadulterated sex and the common cunt being thrown in. You’re introduced to some hella dope queer characters, just rounding out some of the diverse roles that are introduced in the newer update. Meaning this is a remake or a continuation of the original series from the 90’s – but just done a lot better.


Now I won’t spoil anymore of the plot but I will say just go and give it a watch. It’s just one of those shows that you need to experience for yourself to get the full effect of what being a teen is like in current times. I think that the show does lack a bit of refinement in some of the storytelling as it lingers on worthless tripe but scoots of some of the more interesting shit I’d prefer to watch. With such complex characters like Malakai and how Blackfulla are represented, did we really need to see the relationship struggle between Amerie and her Mum? I’m pretty sure they’re going to be fine, let’s not waste valuable screen time. 


Overall a good watch, but it’s very dramatic thanks to the teen category – so just keep that in mind when you approach it, okay? Trust me though, you’ll be quoting shit pretty openly as it’s just endlessly entertaining. I woke up and just said “what cunt” to my mate without hesitation; it’s great to be back to my high school self all over again.

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