We want you... to write for us in 2023.

Editorial – Issue 21

Life After Lockdown 


To put it simply, this was not the magazine we intended to do this year. After last year’s Quarantine Chronicles, we were comfortable in the knowledge that it was a once in a lifetime event and that we would likely never have to go through it again. Unsurprisingly, Nexus was wrong about that. Like the rest of you, these next few weeks are going to be a constant battle with our emotional state. We are just as insecure, worried, and clueless as the rest of you. We also have the weight of wondering if we should just call 2021 over and start planning for next year. 


No one really knows at this point if printing issues and trying to present a “Back to Business” attitude is the right way to go. So, on the advice of the WSU and with input from the University, we decided as an editorial team to just keep creating content. We don’t know if that content is going to find its way to stands or whether it will just be viewed on screens for the last four issues but we are all united in the opinion that can be best summarised as “Fuck it, let’s just do it.” 


It’s worth noting that since lockdown we have produced two issues we are really proud of. A Nexus pride issue and Nukutawhiti with the latter, as is our tradition, drafting in a complete new set of writers and content. If we can recommend one thing for you it would be to seek these two full issues out at nexusmag.co.nz. We are immensely happy with them and anything that brings us joy is obviously a good thing.


When we started to approach this issue it was with two goals in mind. The first was to give our view on the new normal and how we can collectively cope with it. The second was to offer a platform for people to express their views. Someone asked if we would do a This VS That on whether to get the vaccine or not and we were reluctant because we are firmly in the VACCINE’S SAVE LIVES group. We didn’t want to disseminate false information or buy into dangerous conspiracy theories and we know it is a tightrope to walk at the moment. We ran the piece and a full page from another contributor on why you need to “Get the Fucking Vaccine!” If not for you, then for everyone else.


We also want to remind everyone that now is a great time to get in touch if you want to be involved next year. Email editor@nexusmag.co.nz for more information.


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