
You’ve started the semester off really well, but you have your first assignment coming up and you’re pretty nervous. Yo, breathe. It’ll be fine. 


You’re regretting taking a philosophy paper because it’s not as easy as you thought it would be (we’ve all been there). Trust the process. 


Have you been to a single class? Probably not, but that’s what Moodle is for. If you want to pass, make sure you actually go through your lessons.


You’re in the mindset of “uni is so chill compared to high school!”, and that’s fine if you’re a fresher. Third year students? Get your shit together. 


You missed out on Clubs Day and you’re kinda bummed out because you wanted to play a sport. Hello? Just find their contact. Easy. 


The stars have spoken, and they have predicted that you’ll have at least 12 books overdue at the end of the academic year. 


Another year, another law student. We get it, you’re all about peace, deliberating, and weighing issues up. Please find some friends. 


Do you remember how you ditched those plans with your mates because of an assignment? Yeah, well get off whatever game you’re playing and actually do it. 


You know that wheely bag you have that you drag around everywhere like those annoying kids at school? Stop that. It’s still annoying. 


You got lost everyday in your first week trying to find your classes. Somehow you ended up in… Seoul? Damn, you’re really lost. Annyeonghaseyo. 


The weather is changing and all you want to do is curl up in bed and miss your morning lectures, right? WRONG. Go to your classes.


You’re a little confused on how the library works, and you’re scared to sound stupid by asking for help. Don’t be! Libraries can be confusing as fuck.