Q1) What instrument do you tell your bar crush you play (You don’t, but they’re hot so..)?

A- Electric guitar

B- Piano 

C- Saxophone 

D- Drum set


Q2) What’s your ideal concert venue?

A- Stadium filled with screaming fans.

B- Intimate jazz club.

C- Underground indie music venue, probably an abandoned factory because you’re so alternative.

D- Outdoor music festival, summer sun and good people. 


Q3) How do you like to vibe with your music while pulling an all-nighter?

A- Pumped up and ready to conquer that last minute essay you knew about 2 months ago.

B- Pull out the old lofi girl radio to help you focus and get in the zone.

C- Moody and introspective, because listening to radiohead and fiona apple is your personality type. 

D- Beats that make you want to take a break and dance around your room. 


Q4) What tempo keeps you going during finals week?

A- Fast and furious, just like your caffeine intake.

B- Slow and steady, to keep your stress levels in check.

C- Mid-tempo groove, because you’re too unparsed to rush.

D- Anything that distracts you from the impending doom of exams.


Q5) Which artist would you choose to see live?

A- Foo Fighters

B- The Police 

C- Joji 

D- Beyoncé


Q6) What’s your favourite mood in a song to get you through those tough days?

A- Angst-filled rebellion, because sometimes you just need to scream into the void but in a cute way. 

B- Bittersweet nostalgia, for those late night deep and meaningfuls. 

C- Mellow relaxation, because uni life is stressful enough as it is.

D- Infectious joy, because you’re everyone’s favourite person.


Q7) Pick a colour that represents your Uni experience:

A- Red    

B- Blue 

C- Green

D- Yellow 


Q8) Choose a setting for your ideal music listening experience:

A- Alone in your room with the UE Boom on blast.

B- With your earphones on, looking mysteriously out the window like the main character.

C- Parked up with your mates eating hot chips on white bread.

D- Turning your flat into a dance house for an epic pre-game party.

Mostly A’s:

Loser – Beck

Mostly B’s:

The Adults Are Talking – The Strokes

 Mostly C’s:

King of Everything – Dominic Fike

Mostly D’s:

Morning Light – Concord Dawn