Too Sweet – Hozier 9/10


In said song he says “‘Cause my baby’s sweet as can be. She gives me toothaches just from kissing me”. Right? Okay? Do we all agree? REMEMBER THIS FACT. Now, in his latest release “Too Sweet”, my mans says “I think I’ll take my whiskey neat. My coffee black and my bed at three. You’re too sweet for me.” Um… sir???? 

So what is this new hit song all about? Well from my analysis, I’M 99% SURE THIS IS SOME KINDA REJECTION/BREAK UP SONG.

Hozier is clearly describing how he has outgrown this significant other. While he does emphasise the idea that he thinks this person is all around a lovely human, this isn’t the type of relationship that he wants to be in. This person is quite literally too sweet for Hozier, and he feels as though he needs to suppress the more chaotic and adventurous side of his personality when he’s in a relationship with this person.There’s this significant element of him possibly waiting for his partner to mature, which is stated by how he describes her as “Sweet as a grape”, then immediately suggesting “If you sit in a barrel, maybe I’ll wait”. Grapes = Sweet, Wine = Bitter. Coincidence? I think not. Then of course there’s the juxtaposition between sweetness and bitterness. With sweetness there’s the insinuation that there’s a delicate nature about the significant other. However, with bitterness, there’s a sense of maturity and grittiness that Hozier is clearly yearning for. Both excessive sweetness and bitterness are acquired tastes, and that’s just such a mad thing to wrap your head around when it’s in the context of a relationship.

If Hozier dumped me by serenading me with this masterpiece I wouldn’t even be mad tbh. It’s catchy, I love singing along to it, and the poetry behind the lyrics is FANTASTIC. Minus 1 point because the meaning behind this song doesn’t apply to me (I love my partner).

One Sentence Reviews
Karma – Jojo Siwa 2/10


Clara Bow – Taylor Swift 8/10

Anything from mother is a blessing.

Espresso – Sabrina Carpenter 7/10

It gives a Peach PRC vibe that I can’t quite explain.