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Ōku Whakaaro

Entitlement: Is it a good ting or a bad ting?


Now now now, I know that it can be obvious at first glance that it should be rejected and the principal is synonymous with Karenhood but I’ve had an epiphany. It came to me in my dreams and told me that there’s more to life than hating entitled people. Hates a strong word I know but I’m stronger (I bench 90 kgs so that makes me swole) but that’s besides the point, the point was that I subconsciously introduced questions to preconceived notions against entitlement.


Originally it was that they can shove their entitlement where the sun don’t shine, hopefully the sun doesn’t shine there but if it does then you should receive some medical attention, but the questions that echoed in my mind upon revisiting my initial invested hatred gave me a different perspective.


The Karen stigma placates this term as the most detestable thing which gives way to prejudice but my epiphany showed me the perspective that if it is not misused then entitlement is claiming your right. That you are entitled to something rightfully yet the connotation got screwed because the abuse of the principal made it as such.


Imagine if Karen’s actually understood the true meaning to this word and changed their behaviour in a befitting manner. It would be a boring as fuck world to be honest because the YouTube compilations titled “Karen Moments” and such are just too fascinating to depart with. Now how can we deprive each other of such entertainment, we simply can’t. Without the Karen stories reddit would be x amount less entertaining and would completely be unfaithful spouse stories.


After the life altering change in perspective where entitlement breeds such negative feelings I have come to the realisation that everybody is an asshole and that is just how the world spins. Now did I need an epiphany to realise that, no, not really but using excuses to talk shit is the ultimate time killing exercise.


In realisation of all this I strongly believe that I am now entitled to hate entitled people. Like Kevin Durant once said “If you can’t beat em, join em” and those are words to live by. I ask the question,is entitlement a good ting or a bad ting? The answer is find it within yourself just as I have and come to your own conclusion because that is what life is all about :). 

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