Well, well, well, was it me or was I experiencing some form of political outsiderness? In my last column I announced I was switching my support to Labour and since then it’s been a freaking bloodbath.


First, Labour gives money to help gang members rehabilitate themselves, which created a national debate on the issue and I am still not sure the decision sits comfortably with me personally. Then, National started their ‘Demand the Debate’ campaign which was slammed by the Māori party for being “racist”. 


That wasn’t even the biggest shock of the week. A new poll came out. Jacinda is plummeting in support, Judith is getting beaten by David Seymour and NZ First is on the rise again. Seriously? Why the hell is Winston making a comeback? Now I have no bloody idea who to side with.


This year has turned into a weird one for me because I feel completely alone in some of my views but at the same time more aware of politics and connected to the realities of their impact. I can’t shake the feeling that some parties feel like they are at the end of the road, egging someone’s house while I watch. I just don’t know who to go with as I have ruled out New Zealand First since I campaigned to get rid of them.


I just want people to come up to me and say “I think you should vote for this party because…” and just explain to me why they should get my vote as that’s how I feel I should do this from now on.


Anyway as long as Winston does not come back into the arena and back into parliament, I will be happy because he has stalled a number of projects that should have been looked at to see if they would be beneficial. But NO. He just attacked Labour at the last election and pretty much guaranteed his own fate and went from kingmaker to sideliner.