We want you... to write for us in 2023.

Let’s build our first Urban Legend


So, you want to build your own Urban myth? Well you little legends, you’ve come to the right place. The campus, in its eternal glory, is littered with false stories and horrendous lies and deceitful tales of woe. From the mysterious Lab Rats on campus, to the loch ness of Oranga Lake, we’re constantly battling the urge to add to the plethora of misinformation. Instead here’s some mad-libs so you can build your own. Obviously get a friend together so you can try it with them–send us the best ones to win a prize. 


Late Campus Nights


Night has fallen upon you, you can’t help but feel _____(Adverb ending in -ed) as you navigate your way through the _____(place on campus). Usually you’re okay with _____(verb ending in -ing) in the dark but tonight feels like it may be the exception. Something feels off to you, there’s a heaviness in your _____(personal noun) and then you see it. 


Across the _____(place), you see a pair of eyes staring back at you. You don’t notice them at first, the _____(colour) _____(Plural Noun) blending with the darkness in the trees. But when you finally notice it, you’re _____(verb ending in -ed). Frozen in fear you can’t move, you’re _____(Verb). What do you do?


_____(Verb). You tell yourself, it’s time to _____(same verb) and you need to get out of here.


Sort of ironic, you’d heard talks of the _____(Noun) in the _____(place) from your _____(subject) lecturer but you’d assumed they were _____(verb ending in -ing). Everyone in class told you not to _____(verb ending in -y) and you’re not one to argue.


Because of that willingness to _____(Verb) you were now beating down on the footpath, trying to make distance between you and your chaser. Your _____(Noun) slows you down, but enough to maintain the lead. 


The thing _____(verb ending in -ed) at you, _____(verb ending in -ing) you to your core. Your _____(noun) came to attention as you reached _____(place on campus), finding a way to escape, _____(verb ending in -ing).


All around you, the space felt _____(adverb) but you could hear the _____(verb) from the thing before it grabs you. 


They _____(Verb ending in -ed) over you, but you kept your eyes shut. Their _____(Noun) pressed on your chest. You needed to build the courage to look. The images swirling in your mind. You open your eyes to see _____(Celebrity) unhinge their jaw and eat you.


That’s the last time you trust first years tales.


Late night drive


One night, a woman went out for _____(Noun – Plural) with her _____(Noun – Plural). She left the _____(Place) fairly late at night, got in her _____(Method of Transportation) and onto the deserted highway. She noticed a lone pair of _____(Method of Transportation) headlights in her rear-view _____(Noun), approaching at a pace just slightly _____(Adjective – Ends in ER) than hers. As the car pulled up behind her she _____(Verb – Past Tense) and saw the turn signal on — the car was going to pass — when suddenly it _____(Verb – Past Tense) back behind her, pulled up _____(Adverb) close to her _____(Noun) and the brights flashed.


Now she was getting _____(Adjective). The lights dimmed for a moment and then the lights came back on and the car behind her surged forward. The _____(Adjective) woman struggled to keep her eyes on the _____(Noun) and fought the urge to look at the car _____(Noun) her. Finally, her _____(Adverb) approached but the car continued to follow, flashing the brights _____(Noun).


Through every _____(Noun) and _____(Noun), it followed her until she pulled into her _____(Adjective). She figured her only hope was to make a _____(Same Method of Transportation) dash into the house and call the police. As she flew from the _____(Verb – Past Tense), so did the driver of the car behind her — and he _____(Noun), ” Lock the _____(Noun) and call the police! Call 111

When the police arrived, the _____(Adjective) truth was finally revealed to the woman. The man in the car had been trying to save her. As he pulled up behind her and his headlights illuminated her _____(Same Method of Transportation), he saw the silhouette of a man with a _____(Weapon) rising up from the back seat to _____(Attacking Verb) her, so he flashed his brights and the _____(Noun) crouched back down.

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