IT’S TIME! Start gearing up for one of the most anticipated seasons of the year—Hot Girl Summer! Here’s all the inspo you need to get in the spirit! 


Adventure Awaits! 

Forget about those freezing winter days, and instead embrace the sun! Slap on some SPF50 and go explore! Have you ever truly walked the length of a beach? Or hiked that trail you’ve SAID you wanted to trek? Go do it! Collect some shells or take some pics for your insta, prove you’ve at least had some fun this season! 


This is a Fashion Show! 

We can finally discard our fleece-lined sweatpants and puffer jackets- they were hiding my cute outfits all through winter. NOW’S THE TIME TO SHINE. I don’t know about you, but I will 100% be committing to the aesthetic; Mama Mia vibes, beach waves, sun kissed skin, flowy dresses, and linen shorts. What’s the point of Hot Girl Summer if you don’t look HOT?  


Take Time to Chill! 

What’s the point in a summer vay-cay (or stay-cay if that’s more to your persuasion) if you don’t get a moment to RELAX? Very demure, very mindful. That’s the energy we need this season. Go grab a book and bask in the shade. We love an unbothered queen. You’re chilled out and couldn’t be stressed even if you tried. 


We’re so close to feeling the sun kiss our skin and watching golden sunsets! Hang on ‘til summer! It’s right around the corner!