MEAL PREP BAKED OATS | Blueberry cheesecake. Delicious and good for those gains. 💪🏼
Makes 3-5 servings.
▫️ 200g rolled oats
▫️ 2 bananas
▫️ 60g salted caramel soy protein
▫️ 420ml milk
▫️ 1 tsp baking powder
▫️ 120g frozen blueberries, warmed in the microwave with 1 tsp maple syrup
▫️ 6 tbsps greek style vanilla yoghurt
👩🍳 Just assemble (as shown in the video), bake in the oven (180 C) for 35-40 mins and you’re good to go! I like to serve mine up with soy yoghurt and drizzly peanut butter. Simply store the rest in the fridge and either microwave your portion when you want it for 1 min, or have a cold for an oat bar vibe.