Save or Splurge
Save: Normal Plastic Razors (bleh)
  • Plastic (ew)
  • Multi-blades can cause ingrown hairs
  • Insanely pricey
  • Does not last long
Splurge: Camelie Razors
  • Metal. 100% recyclable 
  • Reusable
  • Refills are cheap
  • Prevents ingrown hair
Roman Empire (Vine’s Version)
  • Hurricane Katrina? More like Hurricane Tortilla.
  • Look at all those chickens.
  • Stop, I could’ve dropped my croissant. 
  • It’s Wednesday my dudes
  • Hi, welcome to Chili’s.
  • This bitch empty, YEET. 
  • “I’m a lesbian.” “I thought you were American?”


Steak Pepper Lunch

  • Steak (yummmm, idk what cut)
  • Olive Oil
  • Oyster Sauce
  • Soy Sauce
  • Honey
  • Canned Corn
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Garlic
  • Spring Onion
  • Onion
  • Garlic
  • Rice
How To:
  • Thinly slice onion, garlic, and spring onion
  • Add olive oil to a pan and fry your garlic
  • Season your steak with salt and pepper
  • Fry that steak (if you don’t eat medium rare steak, you’re wild)
  • Prep sauce: 1 tbsp oyster sauce, 2 tbsp soy sauce, 2 tbsp honey. 1 tbsp water or sake, some minced garlic.
  • In the pan, add some butter and sauté your onions until they’re soft.
  • Slice your steak, and add the (COOKED) rice, steak, corn, and spring onion to the pan. Pour the sauce over that and give everything a nice mix. Boom, you’re done. 
  • Plate up and eat.