I have a serious question for all of you. I was watching The Babysitter (2017) last night, and there was the question of who to put in a five-member inter-galactic dream team. I want to know who you guys would choose in a team to fight a star war (hehe), but first I’ll tell you mine. 

(Before I tell you my team, here are the rules/warnings I’ve added to make it a bit more interesting: only one character from a universe; tv show and video game characters are allowed, but no anime characters because that’s just unfair; while there are categories to follow, everyone can assist in combat, however there is one main combat character; picking bad guys or those who don’t work well with others will probably have you dead before you can fight the enemy.)

Captain: Master Chief (Halo)

We’re fighting aliens. Master Chief is THE alien fighter. 

Pilot: Starbuck (Battlestar Galactica)

She is literally a fighter-pilot in space. 

(Main) Combat: Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars)

The chosen one, nuff said. 

Medic: Gwen Tennyson (Ben 10)

I nearly put Rapunzel not gonna lie. I can’t think of anyone else to put here. 

Weapons/Tech: Tony Stark (MCU)

I nearly put Rocket down instead, but how could I pick him over the GOAT himself?

You could probably one up me with your team, but I’m pretty confident with mine. I could probably use a bit more brute strength, but who needs that when you have the Force on your side? 

Now it’s your turn: what does your team look like? 

[I have paused Game of Thrones and started watching Naruto: Shippuden because I took a break from that a while ago. I’m watching the Fourth War arc, and I’ve cried at least twice. Here’s how I feel: Naruto is HIM; Sasuke is still my favourite character; I need a friendship like Kakashi and Guy; Hashirama is lowkey fine as fuck. Also, Minato and Kushina would have been such good parents.]