Is love on life support in the era of disappearing swipes, bad pick up lines, and Snapchat hookups? It’s a question that sends shivers down the spines of many Uni students as we attempt to navigate the perplexing landscape of modern romance. With memes losing their relevance and GIFs gathering digital dust, and Snapchat becoming less about streaks and more about nicely letting the dude at the club down by just not adding him back, one might wonder if Cupid has hung up his bow for good. But fear not, dear readers, for amidst the chaos, there’s still a glimmer of hope (and maybe even a heart emoji or two).

Let’s tackle the first casualty: memes and GIFs. Once the backbone of our digital conversations, they now feel as stale as last night’s Uber order. Sure, they might have sparked a few chuckles and some initial interest, but now they’re about as effective as trying to impress someone with your high score on Subway Surfers. It seems our attention spans have become as fleeting as a “U up” text, leaving little room for sustained flirtation or meaningful connection.

And speaking of Snapchat, oh how the mighty have fallen. Once hailed as the ultimate platform for fun selfies and streaks, it’s now mainly used for secret hookups and rejection. Instead of scrolling through dating apps, people turn to Snapchat for quick satisfaction without the chit-chat. It’s like passing notes in class, but with disappearing messages and no need for small talk.

But amidst the wreckage of our once vibrant digital love lives, there’s still hope for us starry-eyed romantics. Despite the demise of memes and the commodification of Snapchat, there are still those brave souls who dare to defy the status quo and pursue genuine connection. They’re the ones who eschew the swipe culture in favour of meaningful conversations and shared experiences. They’re the ones who remind us that love isn’t dead; it’s just hiding behind a filter.

So, is love on life support for Gen Z? Not if we have anything to say about it. Sure, we might have to sift through a sea of disappearing swipes and temporary snaps, but isn’t that what makes love so exhilarating? So let’s embrace the uncertainty, swipe left on the status quo, and remember that love, like a good Snapchat streak, is worth fighting for.