Q1) Would you love me if I was a cat? Choose what kind of cat you think you are:

A- Orange cat 

B- Black cat

C- Hairless cat 

D- Tuxedo cat



Q2) Who would you be in a zombie apocalypse?

A- A support character who would end up sacrificing their life for the other. 

B- The protagonist – a loner at first but still protective over the people around them due to their good nature.

C- The badass chick who fights and wins every battle.

D- The one who plots everyone’s death.


Q3) What item do you have in your room?

A- A guitar 

B- A box of cigarettes 

C- Decorative magazine

D- A pile of unread books


Q4) Choose your favourite artist:  

A- The Smiths

B- Arctic Monkeys 

C- Britney Spears

D- Queen


Q5) Where do you usually go to on an ideal night out: 

A- Abandoned places. Probably under a bridge or inside a sewer or idk a jungle? A forest? 

B- A music bar, concert, or party.

C- Fine dining restaurants with a group of friends.

D- Inside reading books with your cats. 


Q6) If you’re only allowed to watch one movie for the rest of your life, what would you go for? 

A- The Perks of Being a Wallflower

B- Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

C- The Devil Wears Prada

D- Dead Poet Society


Q7) Favourite colour: 

A- Green

B- Red

C- Black

D- Brown


Q8) Your attachment style: 

A- Dismissive – Avoidant attachment: you push away people when you feel the love coming from others. You fear love will become your greatest weakness.

B- Secure attachment: you never feel the need for your partner to prove their loyalty. If they cheat on you, they steal your problem, not your man. 

C- Fearful – Avoidant attachment: You don’t trust anybody, including yourself. 

D- Anxious attachment: you have low self-esteem, always preoccupied with negative thoughts about screwing up the relationships.

Most As – Male Manipulator:

It’s already in the name. You love to manipulate people. Cropped shirts and good jeans are your only personality traits. If your house is on fire, the first thing you’d save is your dear jorts.

Most Bs – Rockstar girlfriend:

Red lipstick, dark eyeshadow. Your boyfriend is an emaurwwwww (accidental rhyming, completely coincident). You look good in a leather jacket with knee high boots, stomping on all the men that are good for you just to end up with the bare minimum.

Most Cs – Office Siren:

Maneater but you eat too much that your tummy aches.You go to work just because you want to dress up. Fitted cardigan and button up shirt paired with a maxi skirt is your favourite combo.

Most Ds – Dark Academia:

How is that classical music playlist that you made months ago doing? You love a good coffee but thrice a day is an addiction. You treat your trench coat like your life is dependent on it. My recommendation is buy a good sweater vest to warm yourself up in this cuffing season.