Every December, without fail, at least one person in your life will ask you what your new year resolutions are. The majority of the time, you’ll joke about it or say that you’re not like those people who bother with them. But maybe, just maybe, you’ve always had something you want to achieve in the new year that you don’t want to actually acknowledge as a resolution. So, here is how to make sure your not-so-resolution resolutions are a success in 2024.

Be Real (no, not the app), Honest, and Confident 

Setting ridiculous goals will only set you up for failure. Be honest with yourself, and set goals that are focused primarily on this year alone. If you aren’t quite ready for five-year-plans, toss them. Focus on what you can realistically achieve this year and be confident in your ability to get it done. If you go into this without your heart and mind completely invested, then you won’t see much progress. 

Time Management

I’m not saying you need to invest in a planner and have every single day planned out, but a little bit of structure won’t hurt you. Start small, with a flexible plan; designate an amount of time to a certain activity, rather than designating a time to that activity. 

Here’s an example:

  • Study from 5PM to 7PM = BAD. 
  • Study for two hours a day = GOOD!
Healthy Body and Mind

It’s important that you take care of your health. There’s no need to become the next big gym-bro, but going for a few walks and keeping your body active will help boost your energy for the day. It’s equally as important to take care of your mental health. Whether it’s a trusted friend or family member, or one of the various free helplines, talking through tough situations and getting different perspectives on how to move forward may just help you out. 

“Glass Half Full”

Keeping positive plays a huge role in success. Mistakes and failures are stepping stones for reflection and growth, and it’s important to not let these deter you from your goal. Additionally, when you’re met with small successes, don’t just brush them aside! It’s important that you learn from these too, as well as take the time to celebrate your wins when they come by. 

Having a successful year is entirely up to you. And guess what? It’s a leap year, so you have an extra day to work towards those goals!