In 1967, after three years of being ‘The Waikato Student’, Nexus Magazine was born. This means that it has been a staple of campus almost as long as Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor Alister Jones. For almost sixty years now it has held true to the simple ethos of being by students, for students. More often than not that would put us at odds with almost everyone, and in our never-ending quest to be informative and entertaining we have kicked a few hornets nests and made some lifelong enemies. But like everyone, we are learning from our mistakes or simply ignoring the past and making them all over again. We were right about the Springbok Tour and about a Women’s right to choose, although in hindsight we were pretty wrong about “Babe of the Week” and made some questionable cover choices. So that is us. You have found this page because you either want to complain, contribute, or give us money to shamelessly plug your obviously great product (like BurgerFuel did). In some cases you may be here to do the rare hattrick. Either way, you have our attention and we will try and respond to you as soon as the WSU buys us a new computer.