In 2022, Tabs Sex Chocolate burst onto the scene, capturing the hearts and palates of TikTok users everywhere with its tantalising promise of enhancing intimacy. The buzz was impossible to ignore, and curiosity got the best of me. Finally available for delivery in New Zealand. I decided to find out for myself. 

First Impressions 

From the moment my Tabs package arrived, I was impressed. The sleek, black box adorned with gold accents felt luxurious and discreet. Inside, three perfectly portioned squares of dark chocolate awaited. Each square, meant to be shared, promised a blend of cocoa, maca root, and other natural aphrodisiacs designed to heighten arousal and spice up the bedroom. 

The Taste Test 

Biting into a piece, I was pleasantly surprised by the taste. Unlike many supplements that sacrifice flavour for function, Tabs Chocolate delivered a rich, slightly bitter dark chocolate experience. There was a hint of something more—likely the active ingredients—but it was subtle and didn’t detract from the overall enjoyment. Sharing a piece with my partner added a fun and intimate element, enhancing the experience before it even started. 

The Effects 

Tabs claims to work its magic within 30 minutes, with effects lasting up to three hours. True to its word, I felt a noticeable boost in energy. The 50-60 mg of caffeine per serving kicked in, providing a surge similar to a strong cup of coffee. This increased alertness and enthusiasm was a definite plus. However, when it came to the aphrodisiac qualities, the results were mixed. While the chocolate didn’t transform the evening into an unforgettable, passion-fuelled adventure, it did add a layer of excitement and novelty. For someone looking to inject a bit of fun and energy into their routine, Tabs delivers. Yet, those expecting a dramatic enhancement in arousal might find the results underwhelming. 

Final Thoughts 

Trying Tabs Chocolate was an interesting and enjoyable experience. The premium packaging, delightful taste, and energy boost made it a worthwhile venture. While it may not have revolutionised my sex life, it did add a spark of excitement and intimacy. 

If you’re curious and enjoy trying new things, I recommend giving Tabs a try. It might not be a game-changer for everyone, but the combination of delicious chocolate and a potential boost in energy and excitement makes it a fun addition to any evening.